Friday, November 20, 2009

the watsons go to birmingham the quiz

1 It was so cold on Saturday, the Watsons sat huddled together under the banket on the couch.

2. Momma felt the cold the most because she was from Alabama

3. Kenny and his family lived in Flint, Michigan.

4. Joetta was Kenny' s little sister.

5.According to Kenny , Byron tried to make Momma laugh all the time.

6.The weatherman said the temperature in Atlanta, Georgia, would reach the mid-seventies.

7.Dad told Kenny , Byron, and Joetta they were lucky not to be the children of one of Momma' s old boyfriends named (A) Hambone Henderson, (B) Lucky Henderson, (C) Clown Henderson

(A) Hambone Henderson

8. When she was about to laugh , Momma put her hand over her mouth because (A) she had several teeth missing, (B) had a big gap between her front teeth, (C) had a loud laugh

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